Book an Appointment at Shaffina Health, LLC - Shaffina Health is your place to receive personalized woman's health services and Telehealth for a fixed rate. Make your appointment today!
Welcome to Bomani Wellness Clinic!
Check out Bomani Osteopathy, Bomani Aesthetics, or Shaffina Health for more info!
Welcome to Bomani Wellness Clinic!
Shaffina Health
Maqsoodah MSN, APRN-CNM and Dr. Munirah Bomani are longstanding champions of women’s health in the Cleveland community. As life long friends and colleagues, they have trained and worked together, side by side across the entire spectrum of Women’s Health. As Cleveland natives, both ladies have been made painfully aware of the health care disparities that exist for Women and Children of Color. The maternal mortality rates and SIDS rates in North East Ohio are some of the highest in the entire world. It is their hope that Shaffina Health can provide personalized solutions and direct care to minimize these tragedies and prevent more Women from falling into this statistic.
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